Sleep and Marine Corps Marathon

With the Marine Corps Marathon coming up on October 25, runners may want to include sleep in their training for the race.  Sleep can be an overlooked factor when it comes to athletic performance. Running takes a toll on the body and sleep plays a vital role in the recovery process of runners. Almost all runners need more sleep, but few are able to get the ideal number of hours every night. Thousands of runners suffer from chronic sleep issues and may not even realize it. Read more

Eating the right treats can mean better sleep

Foods that pass the holiday stress test

With the holidays fast approaching, have you ever caught yourself napping after the big meal or wishing you didn’t have that post-dinner coffee or that one more glass of holiday cheer?

We all know the food we eat provides our bodies with fuel for the day, but what we eat also affects how we power down and sleep at night – in a variety of ways. Since a good night’s sleep is tied to a slew of benefits to our health and well-being, we’ve compiled exactly what you should (and shouldn’t) eat before putting on your PJ’s to ensure an excellent night of sleep ahead. Read more

Turn September into Sleeptember for your teen

Turn September into Sleeptember
for your teen

School is back in session but is your teen back to getting enough sleep for class? If the answer is no, then I have some advice that may help.

Here’s what I know: a recent National Sleep Foundation survey found that 25% of teenagers sleep in class at least once a week. It’s because they’re chronically sleep deprived! The average teen sleeps an hour and a half less each night than the needed 8 to 9.5 hours to be alert the next day. The sleep hormone melatonin releases later during puberty, meaning your teen probably doesn’t get drowsy until 11 p.m. Studying late at night and using smartphones and computers only add to the problem.

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Pumpkin Spice Lattes and sleep


This time of year I’m always excited about the changing colors of the leaves, the cooler weather, and, of course, Starbucks’ Pumpkin Spice Latte. It’s not even officially fall and my favorite coffee drink is already here! Read more

Tired mom’s tips

Poor Skippy. He’s going to have to sleep in the dog bed tonight.


It’s Monday and you’re probably tired, so I’ll keep this short.

This weekend, as always, I transitioned from being the sleep expert at work to the mom who barely sleeps at home. My two active boys keep me on my toes all day, and of course, I love every minute of it. You know the expression they grow up “in the blink of an eye?” Well, I also feel the same when I finally hit the sack every night — I wake up after just a “blink of an eye.”

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Sleep may be the key to your teen’s academic success

Sleep may be the key to your teen’s academic success

6c1cf9fb-85d0-4ef9-bf1b-83839d7d97edBelow is an article by Dr. Shahriar Shahzeidi, who leads the pediatric sleep team at the Comprehensive Sleep Care Center. He is board-certified in Pediatrics, Pediatric Pulmonology and is a fellow of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Dr. Shahzeidi is a uthority on children and sleep. We welcome you to post this informative article in your next publication.
WASHINGTON, D.C., July 28, 2015 — Is your teenager falling asleep in class or tired during the day? He or she is not alone. A National Sleep Foundation survey of teenagers found that 25% of teens sleep in class at least one time a week. There is a misconception that teens are falling asleep because they are bored, however, teens are falling asleep, particularly in earlier classes, because they are chronically sleep deprived. Read more

It’s Mars versus Venus in sleep, too…

7c05bc5f-6a2e-44dd-84e7-bf0a54043a09The battle of the sexes continues as women get the shorter end of the stick regarding sleep.
Below is an article by Dr. Charu Sabharwal, Founder and Director of the Comprehensive Sleep Care Center and a prominent sleep expert in the Washington, DC area. We welcome you to post this informative article in your next publication.

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Does ADHD cause difficulty sleeping or does difficulty sleeping contribute to ADHD?

kidIn an article published in The Huffington Post, Dr. Michael J. Breus, Ph.D., an expert on sleep reports on how recent research suggests that a child’s sleep patterns could partly be to blame, and a sleep study can help to solve the puzzle.

Millions of children and adults struggle with symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), a condition marked by problems with concentration, impulse control, organization, and memory. It can be a frustrating and difficult condition, stigmatizing and often isolating for those who suffer from it. Read more

CPAP Treatment for Sleep Apnea Improves Men’s Golf Performance

Celebrate National Men’s Health Week, June 9th- 14th, 2014
In honor of National Men’s Health Week, we’d thought we’d share a great way to up your golf game and improve your health!

A small new study suggests men can improve their golf performance by getting their obstructive sleep apnea treated with continuous positive airway pressure, commonly known as CPAP. Read more