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COVID-19 Mask Mandate Update June 1, 2021

Comprehensive Sleep Care Center COVID-19 Mask Mandate Update June 1, 2021 We are following the State and CDC mask guidelines for healthcare settings. Masks will continue to be required by all un-vaccinated and vaccinated individuals to enter our facility. * The CDC guidelines state that fully vaccinated individuals do not have to wear masks in […]

blood pressure

Sleep Apnea and High Blood Pressure- A Dangerous Pair

Sleep Apnea and High Blood Pressure a Dangerous Pair Many people think sleep apnea is as simple as loud snoring, but it’s much more than that. Sleep apnea affects many systems in the body and is associated with several serious conditions like high blood pressure. High blood pressure puts a daily strain on the cardiovascular […]

Sleep can help beat the Coronavirus

Sleep Can Help Beat The Coronavirus A GOOD NIGHT’S SLEEP CAN HELP YOU FIGHT VIRUSES Sleep is always important, but right now it plays an integral role in our immune system. Eating right, exercising, and quality sleep all increase the body’s immune system. Quality sleep can also affect how fast a person recovers if they […]

Sleep and Heart Health

How Does Lack of Sleep Affect Your Heart Health?

How Does Lack of Sleep Affect Your Heart Health? February is American Heart Month, so here at Comprehensive Sleep Care Center it is time to focus on your cardiovascular health. Unfortunately, heart problems are a leading cause of illness and death in the United States. While factors like poor diet, limited exercise, and smoking can […]

What Does Groundhog Day Have To Do With Helping You Sleep Better?

What Does Groundhog Day Have To Do With Helping You Sleep Better? Groundhog Day is derived from the Pennsylvania Dutch superstition that if a groundhog emerging from its burrow on this February 2nd and sees its shadow due to clear weather, it will retreat to its den and winter will persist for six more weeks; but if it does not see […]



SLEEP ISSUES AND CORONAVIRUS As we try to navigate the day to day complexities of the Coronavirus pandemic and our new normal, it’s only natural to worry and this can cause you to have sleep issues.  Many are experiencing uncertainty and a loss of control. People are afraid for themselves, their loved ones and their […]

Doomscrolling it’s Affecting your Sleep Health

Doomscrolling it’s affecting your Sleep Health  Doomscrolling is a new term referring to the habit of scrolling through bad news, even though that news is saddening, disheartening, or depressing. Large numbers of people are finding themselves reading continuously bad news. The Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated this habit with people stranded in their homes increasing  the […]

Cleaning CPAP

CPAP Cleaning Devices – What You Need to Know

CPAP Cleaning Devices – What You Need to Know. If you use a CPAP or PAP therapy device to treat your sleep apnea, you know it can be difficult to keep up a regular cleaning schedule. A dirty CPAP machine can contain germs, viruses and bacteria that can make you sick. So, I can understand […]

Breast Cancer and Sleep Apnea

Breast Cancer and Obstructive Sleep Apnea In a recent study, the incidence of breast cancer among patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea was significantly higher than that of the control group. In particular, the incidence of breast cancer was higher among patients aged ≥65 years. The result suggests that OSA may be a risk factor for breast cancer in women. Recent studies have shown that disturbed […]

Pediatric Sleep Study

Tips for Your Child’s Sleep Study

Tips for Your Child’s Sleep Study By Amanda Jones RPSGT- A Sleep Technician Mommy An in-lab sleep study can be stressful for the adult patient. But bringing your child in for a sleep study can be nerve-wracking for the both of you. Our Sleep Technician Manager (and mommy of 2) is here to help give […]